Stronger with One Ovary

I went to Saudi Arabia with two ovaries and left with one. While I was living in Saudi Arabia, I never drove. Had I driven, I would have been arrested for being a “terrorist” even though now, they are lifting the driving ban on women. Regardless, I came home to the United States with only one ovary. It must have been the four years of driving in the United States that made that tumor grow on my left ovary. I went to the gynecologist for the first time when I was about sixteen years old. You m

I Need a Sperm Donor, not a Husband!

Edging closer to 40, my hope of making a family has faded more and MORE in time. It was only four years ago I wrote the piece The Men who Made my Thirties a MisConception. Now, I realize I have only myself to blame for being childless. When I wrote that piece in 2019, I was still in a relationship with a former partner who eventually relapsed into bottles of whiskey and vodka. Our relationship ultimately ended when I called 911 on Christmas Eve 2018 and said goodbye to any of our plans to star

In Defense of Jessica Simpson’s Cleavage

Stop Defining and Sexualizing Women by their Anatomy While reading about the trending stories online, I learned Jessica Simpson recently showed off her 100 lb. weight loss on Instagram in a sexy black dress with a plunging neckline. It turns out she was showing off more cleavage than some people can handle, well really one. Being a woman who knows firsthand what it feels like to have big breasts, I couldn’t help but notice a comment that called Simpson’s motherhood into question because of the

Could You Be A Minor Wife?

Living in Thailand introduced me to the concept of a minor wife and made me think about how I could not be minor in any way. While living in Thailand as an expat, I learned fairly quickly that women significantly outnumber men. A student told me 40% of the population are men and 60% are women. Out of the 40% who are men, the student told me 10% are probably ladyboys. This makes it even more challenging for women to find a husband in Thailand especially when you consider the existence of a mino

When Culture Shock Becomes about Sex and Gender?

When Culture Shock Becomes about Sex and Gender? Hangover introduced me to Soi Cowboy even before I made it to Thailand. A stereotype in Thailand is sex is widely available for purchase. In my first six months living there, I didn’t see it. Then, as I interacted with more male teachers at work, I heard their stories of prostitutes, ladyboys, and being one of many boyfriends. In between classes, I interacted with my desk neighbor quite frequently. One day, the conversation was not about teach

The Men who Made my Thirties a MisConception

I am in my thirties and still childless. The ghost of my childless past consists of three main men. I was nineteen when I lost my virginity. I was older than most woman and I realize now, I lacked the emotional intelligence to deal with men. Whereas other girls I knew in college cultivated that in high school and some in grammar school, I was just starting out. And it was obvious. I allowed a man, five years my senior, to walk all over me from the summer of 2003 until 2008. It was sometime bef

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